Saturday, December 12, 2009


my feelings have gotten all confusing and retarded recently.

This has overcome me at the last possible minute.
im thinking and thinking, just like i always do on those days. No conclusion.
how unfortunate. how sad.

I can't imagine how to go on about things, now that my whole word has been turned upside down and inside out.

it feels like i went walking on a cold winter, i walked and walked for hours and hours until i finally found myself far from home that i had ever anticipated going. I start to tread back and realize that the walk home is harder than the walk away. I feel like i have been walkking awaty from home and trying to find my way back is hard and i feel wrecked. I have no clue what to do? stay where i am and die? or get up, walk home and rememeber that walking off away from home is a sure step to this unkempt seperation from my home? I am pondering the effects, but making a stand, trying my best to stay where i belong.

I made a 100 on my paper (hoorayy)
watched brothers last night (sad)
dont have kim (sad)


well sweet readers i better go on about my dayy..

