Monday, December 7, 2009

oh my goodness gracious.

Oh, how long has it been since i have updated this thing? probably a mighty long time i can imagine.
life is rather smooth at the moment

not too shabby, not too shabby at all.

of course, i could own a mansion and a million dollars and be like super duper rich. Would that make life better?
who knows...

I was thinking the other day, and i do that alot, i think that im pretty much alright with the way that things are going.

i would most certainly trade a few things, or possibly a few people here and there.

I hate the fact that there are so many jerk-people out there, and yes this is whta they are jerk people. They are consumed by being a jerk that anything else would make them feel incomplete as humans. how sad.

well there are some women that i would like to exil, men for that matter as well. Women can be so devious and cold hearted that i am nearly embarassed to be one at times.

oh well
