Friday, February 22, 2013

Love Letters Galore!

Dear God, Thank you for my life, the wonderful people you have blessed me with. I can't really say thank you enough for not only what you HAVE done, but what I would have wanted and you didn't let me have. You ways are greater than mine. Dear Husband, You are patient, kind and loving...even when I'm not my best. You make me want to love you better, in all ways. I can't thank the Lord enough for you and your dedication to leading our family! You truly are amazing, and I'm blessed to be your wife. Dear children, You two little princesses, while every adventure in life isn't always smooth I'm glad and praise God that I get to raise you! Dear mother, I pray for you and I know that everything will be okay, I'm afraid of what may happen at times, apprehensive at the thought of losing you but still, I pray faithfully. Dear Steve, mentoring couples is your thing and I'm so glad that God gave you this ability! You have truly been a blessing to not only my marriage but I'm sure many others, thank you for allowing God to work through you daily. Dear winter, March is a few weeks away....which means let's hurry it up can we? Dear Tabitha, you truly are lovely, and beautiful and you have your wits about you! You bless my life with your ability to sympathize with me (cause we're so much alike) and also kinda say, "nope" when you think I'm being irrational, I love your sense of humor, your wit and sarcastic tones and I'm glad God placed you in my life all those years ago! Dear Gideon, we're waiting for your big appearance...anytime now?

It's been awhile so I had a ton of love letters to write!

stay blessed sweet princes and princesses!

Crystal Romero

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

when I am weak, He is strong...

In our culture, being weak is not something to be proud of.
                            It's in our pride, strength and our own wisdom that we find comfort.
but I am WEAK.

I'm imperfect, prone to make mistakes and defiant by nature...
but in Christ, I can do anything, and I don't limit that to some things, but ANYTHING.

Nothing I have done or can do is granting me the love and salvation I've been given.
but He gave it and in His perfect strength I am made strong. If left to my own devices, without having ever met God or His zealous love for me, I would pour destruction upon my life as have the people who came before me.

I struggle with:
-Controlling my Life
and the list just goes on...
but how many of these things are part of our everyday culture?
How many of these things are we manually fed just about daily?

We buy magazines to see other gossip about celebrities...

Brag and boast about our accomplishments and the things we've done apart from God.

We learn lying is okay as long as noone knows or it's a "little white lie" right?

Righteousness is given to us because we're not "as bad as he/she is" or cause we've finally reached some stupid pinnacle in our head that redeems us from sitting in the same crowd as "those people"

We have to swim against the current and not get too comfortable because I'm not sure about you but I'm not home yet, this isn't where I'm spending eternity...this is not my idea of heaven.

I may not know everything, and for all I know, I may not know anything....
but I know that apart from Christ, everything I know.
is nothing.

I can have knowledge but not wisdom
money but not happiness
clothes but not comfort
laughter but not real joy
food but no satisfaction
a bed but not sleep...

I can gather up all of the things this world can offer me and still struggle internally because everything within me cries out for you. You made me for a purpose and I don't know that I think it's to live, procreate and die. I think it's for more, much much more.

and I hope it brings you glory.

 Dear Tuesday, thanks for faring well thus far I'm optimistic about the evening portion of your offerings! Dear Kim, you cannot wear hats to school! Dear Husband, You are everything I could have asked for and I gladly and carefully pray for you every chance I get and I appreciate every single thing you do for our family! Dear hair, let's work together okay? Dear Django, I'll be seeing you soon. Dear Jenette, I promise things are going to get better...


Let that bake your noodle!


Mrs. Romero