Friday, July 20, 2012

Fragmented Lives

Does anyone really know? 

The future....or the past for that matter? 

I mean, it's all a series of stories, recollections, and design.

What i see as the past and what someone 


might see of it might be two things that don't meet or make sense. 

Sure, there might be portions of the tale that we both recall and remember but after that, there is really no guarantees on which is displayed as actual reality. Since TECHNICALLY, both sides are real, right? 

How do we know what will happen tomorrow? 

next week? 

next year? 

and yet...we spend SO much of our time just focused on small fickle things that don't matter. 
TV, Video Games, Magazines, Gossiping, Partying, Drinking, Shopping into debt, Scanning the internet to check up on people we don't like...

the list goes on. 

What is the world coming to when the happenings of Kim Kardashian or Tom Cruise are more important than the things that are very much happening in the rest of the world? 
Since when has Hollywood taken us by such a storm that we feel consumed by every stupid little thing we see on the silver screen....

...hear on the radio...
....see on the twitter feeds....

Tomorrow is NOT promised, it never will be so where is your time?

your attention? 
 your LOVE? 

What are we teaching our children? our brothers? our friends? 

You may not realize it but you influence those around you more than you think, even if you think you are insignificant, someone is watching and picking up on the things you do. 

would you be proud to have a daughter just like you? 
a son? 

how about a niece or nephew? 

WE have to stand up and WAKE's high time we get off our bottoms and put in some work. 

if you don't work out, 
you don't get fit. 

If you don't study, 
 you won't learn. 

God has given us the ability to HANDLE everything and anything that he has brought into our paths. Don't live in fear, THROUGH Him, we can do ANYTHING

we have not been called to do nothing. 
to play it safe. 
we were called to be DISCIPLES

so let's pick up our crosses, 
raise our families, 
and shine like the lights that are. 

Wellllll folks, 
tis all for now!!! 

I'll rap at ya another time, 

Crystal! (: 

"In His great mercy, he has given us life, now we can be called the children of God. Great is the love that the father has given us. He has DELIVERED US, he has DELIVERED US!" 

-Children of God,Third Day