Tuesday, December 8, 2009

learning how much it hurts to fall..
The tiniest infraction in your everyday life. One thing that can change everything and make your stomach do a flip ( only it's not the good kind) There are a million things that can happen the only thing is that when they happen, you can't belive it and it puts into a mental shock where you don't want to hear anything, it's so bad that you barely want to think about it.
There are so many infractions that the saying a minute can change your life can actually be applied to you ( in the reasonable sense) Yet, you go on trying to pretend like it doens't hurt the way that you KNOW it hurts. Trying so hard and falling OVER AND OVER again.
Falling hurts so bad, sure, you try to act like it doesn't bother you but deep down inside, it does. Whether it's your pride, your emotions or physical hurt....it hurts.
So why do people apply this to things like love? wouldn't it make you afraid to FALL in love?? So why do we do it? why do we let ourselves fall? why can't we stop it and then when we have fallen, we can't seem to get up NO MATTER what we do.
It's noone's fault that we fall, we just do. and there is absloutly NOTHING that we can do about that, nothing. As scary as that sounds it's true. all that we can do is get up, and TRY so hard to never hurt anyone and not to let anyone hurt you. It's not easy, AT ALL. but regardless. it's life...
