Thursday, January 31, 2013

Actions Speak Louder Than Words...

These are my daughters, my princesses.
When you have children, it's your job to love, protect, cherish and care for them.
That's just a mother's duty.
Everything that I do has an effect on them in some way, negatively or positively I am showing them how to be, who to be and how to react to conflict.
My life has become a lesson plan in a sense, it becomes a way for me to convey how to be a woman to them without having to utter a word.

Would I stand up for them? Yes.
Defend them? Yes.

Do I think that by acting like a child in front of them, I am leading an example that I would be proud of? No.

Why is it that some people think that you can yell, scream, and throw fits in front of your children and it has zero effect on them?
 Do you think this makes you a bigger person? A stronger person?

Not at all.

It takes a strong woman to stand silently and politely walk away from something especially while her children are present. This teaches two lessons:

1. I am a lady and I will act as one, even if you are not.
2. My time is valuable and I will not throw it away, especially not for something as frivolous as mindless bantering and arguments.

Is that something I am proud of? yes...

I had a situation the other day when a particular individual decided to get a bit bent out of shape because they were CERTAIN I was saying something about them...and this person got loud and disrespectful and I walked away...she kept going and eventually got to where she called me a name.
While I would have loved to have said one back, I said, "thank you, goodbye" and left the matter at rest.

I asked my daughter what she witnessed and she said she heard the other person call me a bad name. I said, "Did mommy say any of those words back even though she said them to me?" and her response was "no, because we don't say bad things to people." 

My 4 year old learned this lesson and I got to teach it by example.

Not only do I feel like an excellent mother but I feel like the bigger person. Sure, stooping down to someones level might feel like the primal instinct, it might feel like what we just HAVE to do...but in the end it's not worth it, especially not with people like that.

I'm glad God gave me the sense to know how to love and respect my children's time and attention and I pray He allows me to cultivate and instill those same values unto them. In the grand scheme of things, the loudest people are the littlest ones and probably the loneliest ones..

People will be who they are, there is nothing you can do about that...but life is too short to worry about the ones that really don't matter.

I have an amazing God, a wonderful husband and two beautiful children and they are my focus.

Mrs. Romero

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mr and Mrs Romero

Our first date as husband and wife.(:

When all goes array...

You hear that phrase all of the time right?
well, I see if often and until today...I never really felt like I should apply it to my life.

HONESTLY though...I love my family.
Every part of it...Bob, Kim and Adrianna and I would do anything to make sure that they remain content.

Dealing with certain people?
Well....I truly did try just being nice and kinda doing it "Reba-Style" You know?
but you insist on being a jerk...
and it's pretty sad because it just shows how unhappy you are.

I mean what kind of happy and joy filled person bugs other people and tries to make them upset for nothing? I don't know of any.
Maybe there's like a chemical imbalance? Maybe you're bi-polar?
Or longing for what was?

My family is my main concern, God has blessed me with them and it is my job to make sure they stay happy and I will make sure that happens.

I'll keep it classy like I have been and allow you to continue to make yourself look a wreck.
One day, when you realize that I'm the real deal and I'm not going might decide to be a woman as well. You may not, but that truly is not my concern.

Best of luck to you!

Mrs. Romero (:

For you I would...

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

My husband and I (:

Friday, January 4, 2013


My heart leaps within me

He is the man who's last name I'll proudly wear veryyyyy soon!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

If your target is malice and you find it's center,
you may feel a tinge of relief for a moment.

but then it becomes bitterness for it never lasts too long.


and malice is a friend that like to revisit those it's been sent from.
like a boomerang it comes back to say hello and hug you, kiss your lips with haste and sit with you and whistle while you writhe.

be careful of what you

be kind and thoughtful.