Friday, September 21, 2012

Sour Grapes

When your voice of reason is no reason at all.
How can your life be anything but empty?

The navigation of your heart is not based on the things that you can' t understand


one day,

you wake up and don't recognize yourself.

You sit and wallow in the fear that others might see you've lost your way...

..wandered down the path of the unknown...

The deepest desires in your heart have become strangers to you foreign when they slide past your lips and choke the life from your breath.

You sit there lifeless,
heart beating.
Sorrow aflame
and wholly calloused.

Defend the joy that so frantically knocks at your door,

waiting for acknowledgement....begging and pleading for a sliver of your time.

Stop while you are ahead because you are unknowingly falling behind and being trampled on by the passerby's angry feet.

Fathom the grappling hold of lament letting you loose and come to your senses.

The love of life and happiness in all moments (including the dark days) hold more matter than the meaningless and shallow pit that you sit in regretting your days as they are handed to you.


at some point those days will no longer come.
and regret will fill your lungs like water
robbing you of life, literally.

Bask in the joys of life, the simple ones and the deep and intricate ones.


Monday, September 10, 2012


My fear, overwhelms me. 
Overtakes my mind and heart.

and yet...

I withstand it...
disregard it 
ignore it. 

This is my heart on the line. 

My words are enraptured by the beating of my heart. 
which says, "be still" 
and yet, I move forward, closer and blindly wander the dark. 

the untrodden path. 

At the end, I pray for light...
I close my eyes. 
and take the plunge. 

Will i come out alive?

Shrink back.

Today marks the last day. 

The final memory. 

The stolen water, regained.

Shattered, then replaced. 

My words evoke anger and confusion from you. 
and my heart could care less 


