Monday, November 19, 2012

Who will love me for me?

"Don't you ever wonder?" she said....aloud of course as noone was around to listen but still, it was how she spoke when she got into the mood of thinking deeply. All afternoon she was wondering, trying to rack her brain and figure out who and how anyone would love her. How do you love the unlovable? The unwanted.
Running a figure-eight onto the back of her hand with her finger, she dreamed of what he would look like, the things he would say. How feeling someone's hand in yours must feel. The thought of a kiss was all too much, too dreamy for even her. Tousling her hair and rumpling up her forehead, she let out a deep sigh of relief.
You just don't see rusty old bikes and decide to fix them up and ride them. No one does that, except for crazy people and well....I'm pretty sure even a crazy man wouldn't love me.
Tia took a look in the mirror, perhaps hoping for a change. No such luck.
Two round blue, grey eyes, a narrow nose and a rosy complexion that has always kissed her skin. Her eyes fell upon her lips, the cleft one...and then onto her stance...crooked and awkward. Warm tears built up in her eyes because no matter how beautiful she felt inside, the outside would never reflect it.

She didn't see it yet.
but her beauty was just beginning.