Thursday, May 17, 2012

Feelings can lie.

"dont follow your feelings, just follow His will...and wait"

God gave me a brain for a reason right? If I was made to follow every feeling, every whim or emotion that moved us...well I guess we just wouldn't need to think a whole lot.
Regardless of how my heart feels, I know what is right, I know what the bible calls for and I know that's the standard no matter what.

I'm recovering.

And still, I harbor no resentment or bitterness.

Allowing myself to feel this instead of shutting my feelings away was a great choice. This is strength.

Thank you God (:

Have a great day my loves!!
Crystal Marie Kearney!

"but you're here, your real, I know I can trust you. Even when it hurts, even when it's hard, even when it all just falls apart." -Kari Jobe