Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Love Letters

Dear Kim and Adrianna, you two beautiful girls have my heart. Dear weather, please tell me spring is right around the corner! Dear Spring Break, You've done nothing for me. Dear Mr. Romero, I continue to honor and adore you, thank  you for loving me so. Dear Lindsey, FRIDAY! (: Dear sisters, near or far I love you...but stay near rather than far, ok? Dear Jesus, Thank you for everything, seriously...Dear Tabitha, you are probably all braced up right about now, can't wait to see it!

I cannot be more thankful for the friends and family I have been given. My immediate family, blood relatives and the lovely family I have married into.

Can't help but be thankful for it all. God is good.

Hold your loved ones near, your friends dear because you never know when God might decide to call them home. So many people long to have someone love them, some long to have a child, and others...they just long to have a mother or father that truly care and appreciate them. Don't take your parents, children, spouses or friends for granted. Love them while you can, seriously.

No Complaints Today!!

Mrs. Romero