Thursday, February 18, 2010

wandering the streets at night.

ok so i dont actually wander the streets at night like ever but hey, it sounded good at the time sooo.....


im in math tonight, and i totally am about to die from a freaking anurism (spell check)

i HATE MATH with a passion.

so i need a write fix and here it is...

so topic of today,

Joe Stamp.
is it stamp?
i cant remember his last name for certain...

well this guy flew a plane into a building in austin this morning. can you believe that?
i think that it's ridiculous how selfish some people can be.

he's talking about being robbed by the government but is that really a reason to rob people of their family?
an eye for an eye will make the world blind, well guess noone told him that...
oh goodness, things are just crazy.

my life is great, busy but great.

Gunther (Jeff) sent me flowers all week, thats liike super sweet. :)

i miss my daughter and ii am glad that shes in my life i love her and hate being without her, she'll be 2 next month and it's insane!!

well i gotta go bro.

class is calling and unfortunatly i have to answer...'



" If i gave you my heart would you hold it like a candle giving you light?"
-Justin Nozuka